Historic Acronym Listing
From time to time, programs, departments, organizations and phrases go out of style. And their acronyms with them. While every effort to construct as complete a list as possible of historic acronyms has been made, the dictionary is young compared to the university (140 years old versus 3 years old). If you know of any acronyms not listed, please send a note to acronym@wpi.edu.
A /
B /
C /
D /
E /
F /
G /
H /
I /
J /
K /
L /
N /
O /
P /
Q /
R /
S /
T /
U /
V /
W /
X /
Y /
1 | ||
1YK | 1YK | |
replaced by: | W1YK - W1YK | |
other notes: | 1YK is the original call sign of the WPI Wireless Association. Currently the call sign is W1YK | |
A | ||
AB | Applied Bioscience | |
ABL | Amy Beth Luchans | |
other notes: | Former Assistant Director of Student Activities, left for an Alumni Relations position at Brandeis University circa 2005 | |
ACHERS | Aspirant Chemical Engineers Risibility Society | |
other notes: | Drinking Society, disbanded late 1960's | |
ACS | Afro-American Culture Society | |
AEP | Alpha Epsilon Pi | |
Greek letters: | ΑΕΠ | |
pronunciation: | AE-Pi | |
other notes: | social fraternity, inactive | |
AID | Artificial Intelligence in Design | |
pronunciation: | 'A I in D' | |
other notes: | held June 26-29, 2000 | |
Web address: | http://web.cs.wpi.edu/~dcb/AID/AID2000/ | |
AM | Applied Mathematics | |
ASAP | Association of Student Advancement Programs | |
pronunciation: | 'asap' | |
other notes: | held April 8-10, 2005 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/News/Conf/ASAP/ | |
B | ||
BBI | Biology | |
BE | Bio-Medical Engineering | |
other notes: | now BME | |
BMP | Biomedical Engineering/Medical Physics | |
BOK | Barrons of Kaven | |
pronunciation: | 'bach' | |
other notes: | Drinking Society, disbanded late 1960's | |
BS | Biomedical Science | |
BU | Business | |
BWE | Business Women's Exchange | |
other notes: | Renamed/replaced to/by WPI Community Luncheon. | |
BYOV | Build Your Own Venture | |
other notes: | Held June 25 – 29, 2007 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/Depts/MGT/CEI/Teencamp/ | |
C | ||
CAC | Computer Advisory Committee | |
CACHET | College Admissions Collaborative Highlighting Engineering and Technology | |
pronunciation: | 'cash-shay' | |
other notes: | held October 1-3, 2003 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/News/Conf/CACHET/ | |
CAS | Communicating About Sex | |
replaced by: | CAS - Communicating About Safety | |
pronunciation: | CAS 101 | |
other notes: | Used for the program CAS101, a peer education course for violence against females. | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/SDCC/peered.html | |
CC | Campus Center Office | |
replaced by: | CCSA - Campus Center and Student Activities | |
other notes: | uncommon as an acronym | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/CC/ | |
CC | Customized Certificate | |
CCC | College Computing Center | |
replaced by: | CCC - Computing and Communications Center | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/CCC/ | |
CCS | Committee of Concerned Students | |
other notes: | circa 1976 | |
CED | Center for Educational Development | |
replaced by: | CEDA - Center for Educational Development and Assessment | |
CEDTA | Center for Educational Development and Technology Assessment | |
replaced by: | CEDA - Center for Educational Development and Assessment | |
CEI | Civil Engineering Interdisciplinary | |
replaced by: | CE - Civil Engineering | |
CGT | Center for Globalization of Technology | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/CGT/ | |
CHES | workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems | |
other notes: | held Aug. 12-13, 1999 and Aug. 17-18, 2000 | |
CHI | Chemistry Interdisciplinary | |
CIMA | Center for Interactive and Media Arts | |
replaced by: | MAGIC - Media Arts Group Innovation Center | |
CL | Clinical Engineering | |
CM | Chemical Engineering | |
other notes: | now CME | |
CMBC | Biochemical | |
COB | Continuous Open Bid | |
replaced by: | CR - Continuous Recruitment | |
other notes: | sororal term | |
COUNT | Counselors Outreach to Underrepresented Students in Engineering and Technology | |
other notes: | Held November 6, 2003 | |
CPM | Construction Project Management | |
CSC | Computers with Commercial Applicatipm | |
CSM | Computers with Mathematical Application | |
D | ||
DL | Dramatic Literature | |
DMA | Director of Minority Affairs | |
replaced by: | DDP - Director of Diversity Programs | |
DPE | Delta Phi Epsilon | |
Greek letters: | ΔΦΕ | |
pronunciation: | 'D-Phi-E' | |
other notes: | social fraternity for women, inactive | |
DS | Digital Systems | |
DST | Delta Sigma Tau | |
Greek letters: | ΔΣΤ | |
replaced by: | AXP - Alpha Chi Rho | |
pronunciation: | DST | |
other notes: | social fraternity | |
Web address: | http://users.wpi.edu/~axp/ | |
DUA | Division of University Advancement | |
replaced by: | DAR - Development and Alumni Relations | |
pronunciation: | Advancement | |
other notes: | encompasses Advancement Research, Alumni Relations & Annual Giving, Corporate & Foundation Relations, and Major Gifts & Planned Giving | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/Advancement/ | |
DUM | Division of University Marketing | |
replaced by: | DOMAC - Division of Marketing and Communications | |
pronunciation: | slang 'dumb', though infrequent | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/Marketing/ | |
DUR | Development and University Relations | |
replaced by: | DUA - Division of University Advancement | |
E | ||
EAP | Dr. Edward Alton Parrish, P.E. | |
replaced by: | DB - Dennis D. Berkey | |
pronunciation: | Ed | |
other notes: | immediate past president of the university, 1996-2004 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/President/Past/parrish.html | |
ED | Early Decision | |
other notes: | a binding admissions option which is no longer offered | |
EE | Electrical Engineering | |
other notes: | now ECE | |
EE | Electrical Engineering | |
pronunciation: | EE | |
other notes: | no longer offered since ECE became accredited | |
EEB | Electrical Engineering - Biomedical | |
EEFCCC | Electrical Engineering Fundamental Courses Coordinating Committee | |
EI | Electrical Instrumentation | |
ENS | Experimental Nuclear Science | |
EST | Environmental Studies | |
replaced by: | CE - Civil Engineering | |
ESY | Electronic Systems | |
EWF | Envisioning Worcester's Future | |
other notes: | held September 26, 2002 | |
FIE | Frontiers In Education | |
other notes: | held November 7-9, 2002 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/News/Conf/FIE2002/ | |
G | ||
GAO | Graduate Admissions Office | |
replaced by: | GSE - Graduate Studies & Enrollment | |
pronunciation: | Grad Admissions | |
Web address: | http://grad.wpi.edu/ | |
GEMS | Girls in Engineering, Math and Science | |
replaced by: | WUNDERS - Women, Understanding New Dimensions in Engineering Related Sciences | |
pronunciation: | 'gems' | |
other notes: | Former summer program run by ODAWP | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/Women/Girls/Gems/ | |
GENTS | Gentleman Engineering Non Temperance Society | |
pronunciation: | 'gents' | |
other notes: | Drinking Society, disbanded late 1960's | |
GLI | Greek Leadership Institute | |
replaced by: | GLI - Greek Leaders Institute | |
other notes: | A retreat for leaders in the Greek community | |
GPP | Global Project Programs | |
replaced by: | GPP - Global Perspective Program | |
GS | General Science | |
GSA | Gay Straight Alliance | |
Web address: | http://users.wpi.edu/~wpigsa/ | |
GSO | Graduate Student Organization | |
replaced by: | GSG - Graduate Student Government | |
other notes: | now Graduate Student Government | |
H & T | Humanities & Technology | |
HAS | Healing Arts Society | |
other notes: | focuses on Reiki and other new age subject matter | |
HFC | Hydrogen Fuel Cell Summit | |
other notes: | held October 24, 2004 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/News/Conf/HFC/ | |
HFC | Health and Fitness Club | |
HTE | Humanities, Technology & English | |
HTH | Humanities, Technology & History | |
I | ||
IAB | Inter Activities Board | |
replaced by: | AE - Annual Events Committee | |
other notes: | The IAB was formerly responsible for planning Quadfest and Winter Carnival. This group was later absorbed by The WPI Social Committee and renamed SoComm Annual Events in 2000. | |
IAFSS | International Association of Fire Safety Science | |
other notes: | held June 16-21, 2002 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/Depts/Fire/IAFSS/ | |
IE | Industrial Engineering | |
other notes: | now OIE | |
IHEE | I Hate Electrical Engineers | |
other notes: | Drinking Society, disbanded late 1960's. It is rumored that several current faculty members are members of IHEE. |
IMC | Instructional Media Center | |
replaced by: | ATC - Academic Technology Center | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/ATC/ | |
IPI | Individually Prescribed Instruction | |
other notes: | part of the original WPI Plan | |
ISTAS | International Symposium on Technology and Society | |
pronunciation: | 'ice-tus' | |
other notes: | held June 17-19, 2004 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/News/Conf/ISTAS/ | |
KAG | Kids and Goats | |
other notes: | Incoming women were matched with alumnae to promote networking. | |
L | ||
LEAP | League of Extraordinarily Awesome People | |
pronunciation: | 'leap' | |
other notes: | An informal group of students who intended to bring free entertainment to campus | |
LFI | Library Futures Institute | |
other notes: | held June 26-27, 2002 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/News/Conf/LFI/ | |
LLC | Lens and Lights Club | |
replaced by: | LNL - Lens and Lights | |
Web address: | http://users.wpi.edu/~lnl/ | |
LO | Lambda Omega | |
Greek letters: | ΛΩ | |
other notes: | An informal sorority, not recognized by the university. It is possible Lambda Omega still meets in secret. | |
LS | Life Sciences | |
LSAMP | Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation | |
other notes: | conference held at WPI Sept. 17, 2005 | |
LSI | Life Sciences Interdisciplinary | |
M | ||
MAO | Minority Affairs Office | |
replaced by: | ODP - Office of Diversity Programs | |
pronunciation: | Minority Affairs | |
other notes: | Expanded in August 2005 to Office of Diversity Programs | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/Diversity/ | |
MCSI | Metals Conservation Summer Institute | |
other notes: | held June 2004 and 2005 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/Summer/MCSI/ | |
MEB | Mechanical Engineering - Biomedical | |
MFG | Multiphase Flow Group | |
Web address: | http://www.me.wpi.edu/Research/MFG/ | |
MG | Management | |
other notes: | replaced with ACC, FIN, ENT, MIS, MKT, OBC, OIE | |
MGC | Management Computer Science | |
MGS | Management Science & Engineering | |
MNS | Master of Natural Science | |
MPI | Mathematical Problems in Industry | |
other notes: | held June 13-17, 2005 | |
MSEC | Major and Special Events Committee | |
pronunciation: | 'm-sec' | |
other notes: | part of SocComm | |
Web address: | http://soccomm.wpi.edu/ | |
MSP | Major Selection Program | |
replaced by: | MES - Major Exploration Series | |
other notes: | was offered by the CDC | |
MT | Materials Engineering | |
MTE | Materials Engineering | |
MTS | Massachusetts Telecommunications Symposium | |
other notes: | held July 26, 2004 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/IT/News/MTS/ | |
N | ||
NCSSSMST | National Consortium of Specialized Secondary Schools in Math Science and Technology | |
pronunciation: | NC-Triple-S-MST | |
other notes: | held March 29-31, 2001 and October 24-26, 2002 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/News/Conf/NCSSSMST/ | |
ND | Non-departmental | |
NE | Nuclear Engineering | |
NEABC | New England-Africa Business Conference | |
other notes: | held May 21, 2002 and June 16, 2004 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/News/Conf/NEABC/ | |
NECAMSID | The New England Center for Analog and Mixed Signal Design | |
NECEA | New England Collegiate Entrepreneur Awards | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/Depts/MGT/CEI/NECEA/ | |
NESS | New England Statistics Symposium | |
other notes: | Most recently held April 22, 2006 | |
NFTC | New Faculty Technology Cohort | |
other notes: | Associated with CCC's software instruction staff. | |
NSCRT | Night of the Screaming Cathode Ray Tube | |
other notes: | associated with Quadfest II | |
Web address: | http://www.mudslide.net/Users/quadfest/Q2/ | |
O | ||
ODAWP | Office of Diversity and Women's Programming | |
replaced by: | OWP - Office of Women's Programs | |
pronunciation: | Diversity, 'oh-dawp' | |
other notes: | Changed to Office of Women's Programs in August 2005 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/Women/ | |
OGCP | Office of Graduate and Career Plans | |
replaced by: | CDC - Career Development Center | |
other notes: | This office has been on campus since 1958 and changed names in 1992. | |
OL | Orientation Leader | |
replaced by: | CA - Community Advisor | |
other notes: | Replaced for A-Term 2007 | |
ORA | Office of Research Administration | |
replaced by: | OSP - Office of Sponsored Programs | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/OSP/index.html | |
P | ||
PAM | Personal Assistant Monkey | |
other notes: | part of April Fools Web site, 2004 | |
PE | Physical Education Department | |
replaced by: | PERA - Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics Department | |
pronunciation: | Phys. Ed. | |
other notes: | also PEA, now PERA | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/Depts/PE/ | |
PEA | Physical Education and Athletics Department | |
replaced by: | PERA - Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics Department | |
pronunciation: | Phys. Ed. | |
other notes: | formerly PE, now PERA | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/Depts/PE/ | |
PHP | PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/Policies/Web/PHP/ | |
PIG | Public Information Group | |
PL | Planning | |
replaced by: | CE - Civil Engineering | |
PNP | Policies and Procedures Committee | |
replaced by: | PPE - Policies, Procedures, and Elections | |
other notes: | part of SGA, written PnP | |
Web address: | http://users.wpi.edu/~sga/ | |
POP | Parents of Preschoolers | |
replaced by: | PEG - Parenting Exchange Group | |
pronunciation: | 'pop' or 'pops" | |
other notes: | replaced by Parenting Exchange Group | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/HR/PEG/ | |
POP | Pi Omega Pi | |
Greek letters: | ΠΩΠ | |
replaced by: | OX - Theta Chi | |
other notes: | Founded in 1905. It became Theta Chi in 1909. | |
PS | Plant Services | |
replaced by: | FS - Facilities Services | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/Plant/ | |
QPA | Qualifying Points Average | |
replaced by: | GPA - Grade Point Average | |
other notes: | An unofficial method for determining a students average on a 4.0 scale. | |
R | ||
RARE | Rear Admiral Ralph Earle | |
other notes: | Earle was WPI's 6th President | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/Library/Archives/TwoTowers/page133.html | |
REACH | Reinventing Engineering And Creating new Horizons | |
pronunciation: | Camp Reach | |
other notes: | acronym is no longer used, still referred to as Reach | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/Women/Girls/Reach/ | |
RT | Request Tracker | |
other notes: | A ticketing system for requests submitted to the Web Development Office. Used between 2004 and 2007. | |
Web address: | http://bestpractical.com/rt/ | |
S | ||
S2P | Semi Solid Processing | |
other notes: | held September 23-24, 2004 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/News/Conf/S2P/ | |
SAO | Student Activities Office | |
replaced by: | CCSA - Campus Center and Student Activities | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/SAO/ | |
SCA | Student Christian Association | |
other notes: | Around the 1940's and 1950's, this group offered assistance to students looking for part time work during the school year, among other things. For more information, refer to the 1946 Catalog. | |
SD | Sigma Delta | |
Greek letters: | ΣΔ | |
replaced by: | TKE - Tau Kappa Epsilon | |
SE | Sanitary Engineering | |
replaced by: | CE - Civil Engineering | |
SEGP | Sponsored Educational Group Participation | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/IT/Internet2/segp.html | |
SENM | Science Education for the New Millennium | |
other notes: | held March, 2003 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/News/Events/SENM/ | |
SHD | Student Hall Director | |
SLO | Student Life Office | |
replaced by: | ODS - Office of the Dean of Students | |
pronunciation: | 'slow' | |
SME | Sigma Mu Epsilon | |
Greek letters: | ΣΜΕ | |
other notes: | manufacturing engineering honor society | |
SNAP | Student Night Assistance Patrol | |
replaced by: | SNAP - Security Night Assistance Patrol | |
pronunciation: | 'snap' | |
SOL | Senior Orientation Leader | |
replaced by: | SCA - Senior Community Advisor | |
other notes: | Replaced for A-Term 2007 | |
SS | Social Sciences | |
other notes: | Replaced with ECON, GOV, PSY, SD, SOC, SS, STS | |
SSE | Systems Software Engineering | |
STD | Doctor of Sacred Theology | |
other notes: | Most recently seen at WPI's 137th Commencement in May, 2005 (benediction delivered by 'The Most Reverend Robert J. McManus,... S.T.D.' in Latin, 'Sacrae Theologiae Doctor" |
STE | Structural Engineering | |
replaced by: | CE - Civil Engineering | |
T | ||
T3 | Teachers Teaching With Technology | |
other notes: | Previously held October 14-15, 2005 and October 17-18, 2003 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/News/Conf/T3/ | |
TC | Technical, Scientific, and Professional Communication | |
replaced by: | PWR - Professional Writing | |
pronunciation: | Tech Writing, Technical Writer, Communication | |
TCD | Thai Cha-Da | |
other notes: | closed in 2009 | |
Web address: | http://www.thaicha-da.com/ | |
TE | Transportation Engineering | |
replaced by: | CE - Civil Engineering | |
TSS | Thai Student Society | |
U | ||
UAC | Undergraduate Advisory Council | |
pronunciation: | ||
other notes: | as seen on wpi.flame, circa 2001-2002 | |
Web address: | http://www.jonabad.com/tiny.php?url=105 | |
UCAA | Upstate Collegiate Athletic Association | |
replaced by: | LL - Liberty League | |
UDP | Urban Development Planning | |
replaced by: | CE - Civil Engineering | |
UEP | Urban & Environmental Planning | |
replaced by: | CE - Civil Engineering | |
UM | University Marketing | |
pronunciation: | Marketing | |
UP | Urban Planning | |
replaced by: | CE - Civil Engineering | |
UR | University Relations | |
replaced by: | DUA - Division of University Advancement | |
USFIRST | United States For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology | |
replaced by: | FIRST - For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology | |
pronunciation: | 'first' | |
Web address: | http://users.wpi.edu/~first/ | |
V | ||
VC | Verification Card | |
other notes: | Sent to alumni to verify and update biographical records | |
VPA | Vice President of Administration | |
other notes: | uncommon | |
VPAA | Vice President of Academic Affairs | |
replaced by: | SVP - Senior Vice President | |
pronunciation: | The Provost | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Admin/Provost/ | |
VPDUR | Vice President of Development and University Relations | |
other notes: | This position was split into a Vice President of Marketing and a Vice President of Advancement | |
W | ||
WACCC | Worcester Area College Computation Center | |
replaced by: | CCC - Computing and Communications Center | |
pronunciation: | the "whack" | |
other notes: | precursor to the CCC circa the 1960's | |
WAS | WPI Astronomical Society | |
WCFIIS | Worcester County Free Institute of Industrial Science | |
replaced by: | WPI - Worcester Polytechnic Institute | |
other notes: | now WPI | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/ | |
WCIIS | Worcester County Institute of Industrial Science | |
replaced by: | WPI - Worcester Polytechnic Institute | |
other notes: | formerly WCFIIS, now WPI | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/ | |
WDO | Web Development Office | |
pronunciation: | Web Development | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/Library/Web/ | |
WINE | the Webware, Interfaces and Networking Experimental lab | |
replaced by: | W1YK - W1YK | |
other notes: | lab closed effective June 1998 | |
WPI | We Prefer Initials | |
other notes: | April Fools Web site 1997 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/April/1997/ | |
WPI | Weather Predictably Inclement | |
other notes: | April Fools Web site 1998 | |
Web address: | http://www.wpi.edu/April/1998/ | |
WPIR | WPI Radio | |
replaced by: | WWPI - WPI Radio | |
other notes: | now WWPI | |
Web address: | http://radio.wpi.edu/ | |
WSCL | WPI School of Conversational Logic | |
Y | ||
YMCA | Young Men's Christian Association | |
other notes: | As a student organization dating back to 1874, is the origin for the WPI Men's Glee Club - which is still active today. | |